Fast Fender Kustom Auto sewing the fender wrap Oops, you caught me working on an order, go ahead, have a read while I finish putting this label on a panel. I'm placing a label on one of the panels for the Fast Fenders Kustom Auto Wrap: Deluxe model ... the original!
If you click that link, you will go straight to our Wraps & Covers page in the Catalogue.
This is where I execute the designs for the vehicle protection, after I create the prototype patterns. Each pattern is created by a template that I make directly on the vehicle, and after a few rounds of testing with working mechanics, we finalize any improvements and bring it directly to the consumer market. You should know these creations are original designs, custom fit to make your working experience easier, while respecting your hard earned dollars. We have taken several considerations in mind, so that you basically get something you may never have to update ... seriously, we intentionally out sell ourselves, because keeping you happy makes us happy. Quite honestly, if you are happy, you will tell two friends ... they will tell two friends; and that leads me to having to buy more sewing machines!

How did this get started?

The beginnings are quite simple, it falls under the principle of see a need ... fill a need. After working in the Auto Service Industry, I watched the techs fuss with towels and blankets for hours on end, that would only end up falling on the floor more than they stayed on the vehicles. Of course, dirt, metal shavings and who knows what got onto the blankets, and enevitably caused paint scratches. Tools fell into the engine compartment, wires slapped body panels, and tubes or lines often went rogue causing everyone to hold their breath while checking for damage. We all mastered the look that you toss at someone walking into the shop, or shouted "Don't put that there" when someone stored something, just for now, a little too close to your ride!

I knew there had to be something better, and I decided to design it. Proto-type one was a huge hit in the shop. The techs who thought they could manage with what they had always known, instantly became relaxed while working on the cars. They no longer dropped tools off the rad support, nuts and bolts didn't fall into the cowl area or roll under the wiper arms, nobody fussed about their belt buckles ... and even shop visitors stopped being cautioned about getting too close to the vehicle. Even the windshield was protected from tools and wires, giving yet another place to easily lay down all things car related.

" How did I ever work without this before?  It's mind-blowing how you can spend a little, to end up saving so much; it's cheaper than a new paint job! I no longer need to worry about knicking that custom one off color, or how I'm going to touch it up. "

Everyone who saw the wrap wanted to know what it was. It became an instant hit with the big name insurance reps, local body shops, neighboring race teams, and avid car collectors. It even keep the paint cool when the car sat outside in the sun for several hours ... imagine not burning your arm on the fender anymore! Easily assembled in about 5 minutes, conveniently stored in it's own tote bag, machine washable, and engineered with industrial strength velcro to hold it in place.

Stop spending your hard earned dollars on something you basically give away if you sell the car, because it won't fit anything else. This thing fits almost anything you are working on, and small expansions are available to ensure it will also fit full size trucks too. Of course, due to the five individual sections that make the wrap, you can replace any one section if it were to become damaged. The convenience doesn't stop in the shop, due to the handy tote bag, it's small enough to keep in your truck incase you have a roadside emergency.

Stick around, there's more in the works!

The story doesn't end here, because we work on so many different makes & models of cars, vintage, classic & brand new, we have constantly found more concerns to address and have designed more protective gear for our cars. We are positive you won't want to be left out on those either. Make sure you visit our online shop, as we are avidly adding new products all the time!